How do Kids Learn?

How do Kids Learn?

You are the best teacher for your Child!

There are many ways Kids learn but one thing stands out. Parents or full time carers have the greatest influence on learning especially, in early years.

Providing a safe, secure and loving environment which is interesting and engaging encourages a child to relax and absorb their surroundings. Observing what is going on around them, listening to the sounds and actually doing things all help children learn. Kids are individuals and will learn at their own pace. Learning happens in stages or waves and each child will arrive and move through these stages at different times and this is normal.

10 Key areas for learning which should be encouraged and supported are;

  1. Creativity
  2. Communication
  3. Physical activity and health
  4. Self esteem
  5. Cultural understanding
  6. Problem solving and thinking
  7. Safety
  8. Technology
  9. Environment, both physical and natural
  10. Social

Remember there are no hard and fast rules regarding children’s learning. Just put in place the best learning environment possible then enjoy sharing the experience with your little ones.

If your looking for some inspiration in learning toys for kids when spending quality time together check out our online Educational Wooden Toy and Jigsaw Puzzle Shop HERE for some super entertaining Toys and Puzzles.
